Friday, December 23, 2011

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party

Somehow I managed to go through 4 years of college and never made it to one of these.  Better late than never!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Crafty Christmas

My blog's new aspiration is to be one of those cute craft blogs.  Maybe in my next life...

(Pattern borrowed from one of those cute craft blogs)

Crocheting = my new favorite hobby

Guess what all my co-workers got for Christmas??

Homemade candy boxes filled with homemade treats!

The crochet circle.

The craft circle.

And Janet.

I have finally been introduced to Mod Podge.  How have we never met before?!  

Homemade door hanger. Bow courtesy of Frances.

Homemade stockings courtesy of Grandma Lib.

The million dollar debate this year: real tree or fake tree? (I've never had a real tree in my entire deprived life.)

But the fake tree requires no maintenance or constant clean-up.
But the real tree smells so nice. 

The solution: fake tree with Evergreen candle.
The men of the house.

The humble beginnings of my Fontanini nativity. Can you pick out the camel who required hot glue stilts after I took this picture?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Market

Cool view from the Pavilion. I wish I had a better camera and actually knew what I was doing with it...

You're a mean one, Mr. Airbrushed Grinch!  Where are the termites in his teeth?!

This guy has major talent.

And style.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stick insect

Found this creature on my door.  If you can't tell from the pictures, he's about 6 inches long.  Scared the you know what outta me.  I'd never seen one before and didn't know what it was called, so I just Googled, "bug that looks like a stick," only to find out that it is actually called a "stick insect."  Anticlimactic to say the least.  The scientific name, "Phasmatodea," is slightly more exciting.

Fun facts:
1) Average litter size = 1000
2) Average life span = 1-2 years
3) Conservation status = threatened 
4) Reproductive method = parthenogenesis (In other words, unmated females produce eggs that become more females without the help of a male.  If a female does mate with a male, there is a 50% chance their offspring will be a male.  For some species of stick insects, scientists have been unable to find a male.) 
5) World record = longest insect (up to 14 inches)
6) Defense mechanism = regurgitation of a nasty substance that puts a bad taste in the predator's mouth; oozing a foul-smelling hemolymph from the joints in their body; shooting a chemical spray similar to tear gas at the predator

Friday, November 4, 2011

Genetic counselors take over San Diego

A profession that is 95% women and the bobble-head mascot is a dude...?!

Emily was quite disappointed to find out that the bobble-head mascot dude...

...was NOT a bobble-head.

We were missing 1/3 of our class...and we really missed them!

Cafe Chocolat + rosemary chicken and mozzarella crepes + pumpkin gelato = divine.


Not so fun. But HUGE (not the 4x4 poster I had intended for it to be).

Check out the poster background. I'm a big fan.

She's gonna be famous one day.

Please notice the sunset more than the fact that I look like a frumpy over-sized bottle of mustard.

Ambry Genetics Lab throws one heck of a party! They're loaded.


An over-priced Indian restaurant but some good naan.

And the highlight of the entire trip.
Man walking with devil kid and Sumo wrestler kid.
Emily gets a kick (no pun intended) out of Sumo wrestler kid and yells, "I love your costume!"
Without missing a beat, Sumo wrestler kid yells back, "He loves your number!"
Man starts whispering things to Sumo wrestler kid, and they keep walking.
Devil kid and Sumo wrestler kid turn around and start walking towards us.
Emily asks for a picture.
Sumo wrestler kid tries to charge us $1.00 for a picture.
Emily says no and forces him to pose for free.
Madison snaps picture.
Sumo wrestler kid says, "But seriously, can he have your guys' numbers? Please?!"
Emily's response, "We live on the other side of the country. It wouldn't work out."
And if you haven't noticed the desperate man in the background walking towards us, look again. Where's Waldo? 
That's Emily's California lover. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm not a college kid anymore...

10-year-old boy in the parking lot at my apartment: (running up hill) (stop) Hey.
Me: Hey. What's up?
Boy: Nothing. (pause) Do you go to college?
Me: No. I already went to college.
Boy: Well, what do you do?
Me: I work at the hospital.
Boy: Oh. (pause) Good for you! (runs away)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Lifelong Dream Fulfilled

So here's the problem with having lifelong dreams:
you (may be) left (slightly) disappointed when they come true.

My lifelong dream:
A trip to the San Diego Zoo

Dream come true. 
But slightly disappointing.
Allow me to explain. The zoo is ginormous, so the size alone is impressive. The foliage is exotic and cool. The fauna, however...not exactly what I had expected. Not really sure what I was expecting, but I was frustrated with the fact that several exhibits ("several" as in more than Zookeeper Madison approves of) were empty...or seemed to be that way. So either the keepers hadn't let the animals out yet OR there were no animals to release into the exhibit OR the animals were out and I'm actually terrible at "Where's Waldo?" I mean, if I were them, I would much appreciate a beautiful sunny day in the mid 70s in Southern California, but maybe that's just me. Secondly, I was miffed that there were several repeats ("several" as in more than Zookeeper Madison approves of). It's like they ran out of animals and dispersed the same ones across several different exhibits ("several" as in more than Zookeeper Madison approves of). Anywho, enough of my minor complaints. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I am thrilled I finally got the opportunity to visit (and eat their most delicious soft serve ice cream). PLUS, I had a blast with my dear friend, Lindsay, who interpreted for me all day what the MILLIONS of Hispanic children on field trips were saying. Fun times.

"Kookaburra sits in the ole gum tree, eating all the gum drops he can see..."
(Apparently, that's not the actual second line as I just learned when I Googled the lyrics, but that's how I've always sung it.)


This guy had some serious neurological problems and wouldn't stop swaying his head back and forth. And check out the claws on this beast! (And the crazy hair on his ears that reminds me of the creepy clown guy from "Air Bud.")

So crazy to run into the first-years!

Baby Bear.

Where's Waldo?

Mama Bear.

Did you know that the U.S. does not own ANY of the pandas it has in captivity? All pandas in America are loaned to us by Asia for breeding purposes. Asia sends us the stud and/or the suga mama (pronounced "shoo-gah"). We provide the ambiance conducive for panda love. The pandas do their magic, and panda. We can only keep baby panda for 3 years, and then baby panda must return to Asia to be introduced to the wild and give hope to the rest of the panda race in the jungle.  

The. most. amazing. picture. ever.

Yes, his first hump is deflated.

Saw several very immodest animals that day. This is one of the more appropriate ones, believe it or not.

Hard to tell from the sunlight, but Mama Hippo has her nose smushed up against the glass and is using Baby Hippo as a pillow.

Thanks for helping to make my dream come true, Lindsay!